In grades 3-5, Tracy again started with songs the children knew and loved, such as Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land.” Woody wrote that perennial song before Alaska was a state, so the children came up with a list of things that Woody COULD have included, which were then shaped into two new verses. It was also necessary to tweak the chorus:
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York island
From the Arctic Circle, to the Gulf Stream waters
This Land was made for you and me
The honey bee, the fireweed flower
The gliding sled, gas or dog powered
The river winding, the salmon spawning
This Land was made for you and me
The grizzly bear, the snowy mountains
Moose and mosquitos, too many to count ’em
The eagle soaring, the raven is calling
This Land was made for you and me!
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