Grades K-2

Grades K-2 

In K-2, the children sang songs they knew, and then helped write sequels. For example, what DID happen to that eensy-weensy spider, anyway, after it got tired of being washed down the water spout? Well, according to these children, he got married, had children, moved into the house and lived happily every after. 🙂 

Tracy also coached creative versions of children’s songs, such as a “wilder” version of Old MacDonald’s Farm, which the children sang with her. The farm menagerie included bears, cougars, beluga whales, moose, fox, otters and much, much more. 
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Junior High and High School 

In one-hour class sessions or two-hour combined class sessions, Tracy taught her “essay into lyric and then into a musical setting” approach.The songs these young people composed reflected their lives, their struggles, their hopes and dreams…So inspiring! 
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Integrated Arts/Special School Projects 

In April of 2013, Tracy was hired by the Iditarod School District to help students write four songs for an Integrated Arts project headed up by Lydia Ossorgin, phenomenal educator from the Atheneum School in Anchorage, AK. Students from four villages (off the road system in interior Alaska) were to take a bit of local history and write and perform an original musical. All classes and rehearsals (save one) were done by video conference. The students wrote the play, created the stage, scenery, props and costumes and flew to four villages in 5 days for a fantastic frenzy of performances. The video (in 4 scenes) Miska and The First Airplane can now be viewed HERE

These students have been nominated for the Alaska Spirit of Youth Award! 

For more information about bringing Lydia and Tracy to work with students in your community, please contact either of them at or